times of the flat (2010)
Designing more layouts takes more
time, so luckily we decided to streamline the process by ditching fancy shadow
effects and getting back to the roots of design by prioritizing the content.
Fine photography, typography, sharp illustrations and thoughtful layouts is how
we design now. Simplifying visual elements or so called Flat design is
also part of the process. The main benefit here is that much more thought is
being put into copy, into hierarchy of the message and content in general.
Glossy buttons are replaced by icons and that allows us to use vector images
and icon fonts. Web fonts deliver beautiful typography. The funny thing is, the
web was close to this from the very beginning. But well, that’s what the young
years are for.

bright future (2014)
The holy grail of web design has
been to actually make it visual and bring it into the browser. Imagine that
designers simply move things around the screen and a clean code comes out! And
I don't mean changing the order of things, but having full flexibility and
control! Imagine that developers don't have to worry about browser
compatibility and can focus on actual problem solving!
Technically there are a few new
concepts that support the move into that direction. New units in CSS
like vh, vw (view port height and width) allow much greater
flexibility to position elements. It will also solve the problem that has
puzzled so many designers – why centering something vertically in CSS is such a
pain. Flex box is another cool concept which is a part of CSS. It allows
to create layouts and modify them with a single property instead of writing lot
of code. And finally web components is an even bigger take. It is a set
of elements bundled together, i.e. a gallery, signup form etc. That introduces
an easier workflow, where elements become building blocks that can be reused
and updated separately.
The times of the flat
Reviewed by Muhammad Umar
April 24, 2015

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