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IRAN ready to negotiate , but not US

Iran ready to negotiate, but not US

Tehran (Daily Pakistan Online) Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has said that US President Donald Trump is a diplomat who only shows support for the Iranian people, Iran is ready to negotiate, but not from the United States, in Iraq. The attack on the military base destroyed the idol of the American hegemony.

In a sermon delivered at Tehran's Mosque mosque, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the killing of Qasim Sulaimani was a cowardly act, which was carried out in secret and in a terrorist manner, not from face to face in the battlefield. Due to this, the invasion of the US military base in Iraq and the force that the soldier's revolution has inflicted on America's face, Iran's actions have made the idol of the American state of decay and its reputation and reputation in the world irreversible. Compensation has been damaged. He said Donald Trump will poison poisonous backs on nation, Iran says Iraqi Americans Successful military attacks on military bases succeeded in undermining the pride of being America's superpower, with the United States constantly suffering loss of resistance in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan, but Iranian attacks were most effective.

Ayatollah Khamenei described the plane crash as 'a bitter accident' and said that it has caused Iran as much regret as its enemies, Iran's enemies using the crash Iran. He said the western countries were so weak that they could never bring Iran to its knees, Iran was ready to negotiate, but not to the United States. The government of Germany, France and Germany have threatened Iran to take the nuclear issue back to the Security Council But we want to tell the European governments that when your rebellious America cannot force the Iranian people to kneel, what are your times?

IRAN ready to negotiate , but not US IRAN  ready to negotiate , but not US Reviewed by Muhammad Umar on January 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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