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America sees another night of protests

As America sees another night of protests and curfews, families of those killed plea for no more violence

On the day the brother of George Floyd and mother of Breonna Taylor called for protesters to abstain from violence, demonstrations continued in the wake of the Floyd's death last week.
Curfews have been announced again in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, Chicago and Los Angeles. Amid the tension and faceoffs were scenes of police officers kneeling with protesters.

Latest developments
• In New York, where there is an 11 p.m. ET curfew, protests have largely remained peaceful, but there have been pockets of looters in Manhattan.
• Across the street from the White House, demonstrators gathered again in Lafayette Square. Video showed heavy smoke from tear gas in the crowd of hundreds of people. Officers, some on horseback, moved protesters off one street ahead of President Trump's walk to a historic church where there was a fire in the basement overnight.

A woman at the state Capitol in Denver raises her fist during the fifth consecutive day of protests.
America sees another night of protests  America sees another night of protests Reviewed by Muhammad Umar on June 03, 2020 Rating: 5

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